Fallout 4 custom house tower power armor
Fallout 4 custom house tower power armor

Note: Note: Your character level affects your chances of finding parts of this armor. Jumping around inside the elevator may also cause it to become "unstuck.Below is a list of locations where you can find Having your companion get in first and move to the back of the elevator, then issuing the stay command, may prevent the bug from occurring.

  • This may be related to the positioning of the player character and/or their companion when starting the elevator.
  • PC As with many elevators in the game, sometimes, when one enters the elevator to the roof and presses the elevator button, the elevator will close but then run forever.
  • Playstation 4 Xbox One There is a chance the assaultron or sentry bot will not spawn.
  • In V.A.T.S., it appears to be stuck in its chamber, but will attack and kill the player normally.
  • PC Playstation 4 The assaultron may become unable to be targeted or take damage.
  • fallout 4 custom house tower power armor

  • Playstation 4 After putting on the armor and walking out of the chamber, the game may freeze.
  • PC Playstation 4 Xbox One If one has visited this location in the past without obtaining the power armor and later returns, the alarms will not sound and the doors will not open, leaving the player character unable to claim the armor.
  • Removing the fusion core or any of the armor pieces may also resolve this issue.
  • Simply entering the armor may fix this problem.
  • However, its tooltip label will indicate that it is X-01.
  • PC Playstation 4 Xbox One There is a chance that if the player character meets the required level for X-01 power armor to spawn here, it will spawn looking like a suit of T-60, T-51, or even T-45 power armor.
  • The highest-level variant possible is the X-01 Mk. At level 28, X-01 can be found, while at lower levels T-60, T-51, or T-45 may spawn instead. The armor variant scales based on the player character's level.
  • Inside the chamber on the rooftop, a full set of power armor can be found.
  • After defeating both of these robots, pressing the red button in each chamber will open the center chamber, which holds a full suit of power armor. Standing directly in front of one of two chambers on the rooftop will trigger an alarm, and an assaultron and sentry bot will emerge from the chambers and immediately attack.

    fallout 4 custom house tower power armor

    The elevator to the left will take the Sole Survivor to the rooftop, where a Novice-locked door containing an Expert-locked safe can be found. The terminal controls the Protectron and turrets, and can also unlock the safe.

    fallout 4 custom house tower power armor

    A small room behind the desk has an Advanced-locked safe and an Expert-locked security terminal. Inside on the first floor, behind the front desk is a laser tripwire which will trigger an attack by a nearby Protectron two hostile ceiling turrets are also mounted in the room. When the Sole Survivor approaches, the two factions will usually begin to fight each other. Raiders or Gunners will spawn on one side of the building, and robots on the other. The entrance is guarded by two ceiling turrets.

    Fallout 4 custom house tower power armor